Distinguished Colleague,
The Architecture of Nigeria as part of the activities marking the Sixtieth anniversary celebrations of The Nigerian Institute of Architects (https://www.nia.ng/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Scan_0001-1.jpg), the Library and Publications Committee of the Institute is putting together a compendium of Architectural works executed within the geographical landscape of Nigeria spanning from Pre-Independence to Contemporary era.
Interested Members and Firms can send in submissions of their works inline with the submission criteria for consideration towards publication in the compendium.
All submissions be sent in to 📧 [email protected] or by filling the online submission form at https://forms.gle/sMVFyHB7VQEGsaF46
Entry Closes by 4pm, 30th April 2021
Enquiries: see attached flyer for details.

Thank you
Arc. Moradeke Okunrinboye, fnia
Honorary General Secretary